Japan's intention to infiltrate Central Asia

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Washington dictates Japan's desire

What is the real intention of Japan's attempt to penetrate Central Asia?

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova answered this question on August 7.

She said that Japan's attempt to penetrate Central Asia thousands of kilometers away is not economic interests but a desire dictated by the Washington government.

She pointed out that its real intention is to "damage the system of economic ties formed over decades between the countries in the region and the Russian Federation" and "pull them toward the Western ideology of rules-based order" opposing Russia and China.

She stressed that Central Asian countries can distinguish "approaches in favor of mutually beneficial cooperation" from "plans to reduce their countries to the status of neocolonialist appendages of the Western camp".

The background of these remarks are the first Central Asia-Japan Dialogue Summit that will be held on August 9 in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.

However, prime minister of Japan Kishida Fumio canceled his planned travel to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia at the last minute after an earthquake rattled Japan.

Refer to "Response of the official representative of the Russian MFA M. V. Zakharova to the media question about Japan's increased activity in Central Asia" (2023.8.7.)

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