US military, exposed to vulnerability, being expelled

US aircraft carrier in Red Sea

USS aircraft carrier D Eisenhower in Red Sea once upon a time (Ai-generated image)

Although the US military boasts of its "mightiness," the world is witnessing its vulnerability without any doubt amid the anti-American torrent for independence escalating day by day on a global scale. The US poorly became an uninvited guest, being chased out of wherever it went.

The US military operations going on crazily to protect and defend the Zionists actively and crush Yemeni resistance forces in one breath in the Middle East are now the target of criticism and ridicule from the international community.

A foreign media outlet reported that the US military conducted military operations in the Red Sea for six months to prevent maritime attacks by Yemeni resistance forces supporting the struggle of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, but failed, making little progress.

Despite repeated airstrikes by the US military, the resistance forces have increased their momentum, continued to attack US, Western, and Israeli ships in the Red Sea, and are expanding the scope of their attacks to the Mediterranean Sea.

In the process, several US unmanned combat attack aircraft, the "MQ-9 Reaper" worth US$30 million, were shot down by surface-to-air missiles made by Yemeni resistance forces, and a US aircraft carrier was attacked several times. This is the situation.

Criticism is being heard everywhere that the United States, which is proud of itself for its enormous military power, is helpless in the face of an attack by a resistance force that is not a regular military force in the Red Sea.

A Yemeni military strategy expert argued that US military offensive operations did not affect the activities of Yemeni resistance forces.

The “important role” of the US military in the Red Sea caused not only its allies but also countries that had high hopes for the US “protective umbrella” to be greatly disappointed by the hollowness of the US “military power.”

This is not all.

The US military had been invading sovereign countries and engaging in military intervention under the banner of “war on terror." Now it creates the wind of withdrawal, throwing the reputation of the “superpower” into the gutter.

A media outlet at one point claimed that America's sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan was not only a death sentence passed to the global arrogance of this "superpower" but also a humiliation given to Washington's war fanatics, thinking they could either catch or release the fate of others.

The Afghanistan debacle of the US military keeps going on now throughout the world.

In Niger, the first phase of the withdrawal of US troops and equipment was completed on July 8, and all US military assets will be pulled out by September 15. The US military was said to lose Niger Air Base 201, thanks to the Niger government's decision. The base had been built by the US at a cost exceeding 100 million US dollars. It was supposed to strengthen military dominance over Africa.

The "war on terror" operations the US military had carried out in Niger over the past 10 years made poverty, chaos, and terror activity more prevalent, aggravating misery and suffering rather than peace and stability. The withdrawal of US troops followed in the end.

Also in Iraq, the project is being carried forward in earnest to make the US-led coalition forces, stationed under the pretext of "war on terror," withdraw.

A spokesperson for the Iraqi prime minister condemned the US-led coalition forces as the root cause of instability in Iraq. He criticized the United States for killing members of Iraqi paramilitary forces, saying that such attacks further solidify the will to end the presence of US-led coalition forces.

It is the inevitability of history that the US military is driven out one after another from countries where it has dispatched military boots of aggression in the past period.

The current world demands a multipolar international order, an equal international order, never allowing America's unipolar world or military hegemony.

The anti-American struggle to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity will flare up even more fiercely. Humanity will put an end to the American hegemony that has been destroying peace and security in the world.

Source: (Juche113.7.20.) *From Korean to English by Koreanistas

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