Putin censures West for pursuing unilateralism

Putin speech at Brics 10th parliamentary forum

Kremlin photo fair use

Moscow, July 14 (KCNA) — Russian President Vladimir Putin in his speech at the tenth parliamentary forum of BRICS on July 11 criticized the West for pursuing unilateralism.

He said that the West is trying to fix a new order through its rules by running counter to the historical logic and even by harming its citizens’ long-term interests.

No one has ever seen, discussed or accepted such rules, he said, noting that the rules of the West are written and revised in the interests of those who put themselves above others and impose their own things on them.

It is obviously an attempt to replace the legitimate international law, ultimately to create a monopoly over the truth, he said, adding that such a monopoly will lead it to ruin.

Source: kcna.kp (Juche113.7.15.) *English version carried by The Pyongyang Times on July 18

Cite from Putin's speech at the plenary session of the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum, July 11, 2024

Acting contrary to historical logic and often to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own nations, they seek to cement a certain order based on their own so-called rules that nobody has ever seen, discussed or adopted. These rules are written or corrected every time anew, to suit every specific situation and in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and arrogated the right to dictate their will to others. This is classical colonialism at its best, a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law and monopolise the ultimate truth – and this monopoly is destructive.

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