Apple in DPRK-Russia relations

Andri Rudenko

Andrei Rudenko

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Russia supports expansion of trade ties with DPRK

Moscow, July 15 (TASS) — Russia supports the expansion of trade and economic ties with the DPRK, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko told reporters.

He was commenting on a statement from the agricultural watchdog (Rosselkhoznadzor) that Russia and the DPRK agreed to begin supplies of apples to the Russian market.

"I would like to confirm once again that, on the one hand, we strongly support the expansion of trade and economic ties between our countries. The DPRK is our neighbor we are developing the closest ties in all areas with. On the other hand, [to confirm that] the Russian Federation remains committed to all norms of international law, including the [UN] Security Council resolutions adopted in relation to the DPRK," he said, answering the question whether future supplies of apples from the DPRK to Russia would violate any UN Security Council resolutions.

The press service of Rosselkhoznadzor noted that apples from the DPRK can be freely supplied to the territory of Russia, accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate confirming the absence of quarantine organisms in goods in accordance with the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Source: TASS (2024.7.15)

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