Russia warns Europe against US missile deployment

Dmitri Peskov

Dmitri Peskov in Zarubin telegram video capture fair use

Moscow, July 15 (KCNA) — Russian presidential press secretary Dmitri Peskov decried the US’ moves to deploy missiles in Europe at an interview with a reporter of Russia’s state-run TV and radio broadcasting service on July 13.

Saying that the US has deployed various missiles with different ranges in Europe, he noted they are aimed at Russia from A to Z and his country has fixed as targets the important spots of relevant areas in response to that.

It is quite absurd for the US to keep making money on one side and Europe to be a target of Russian missiles on the other, he said.

Russia has enough potential to contain the US missiles in Europe and the capitals of those countries where those missiles are deployed will be victims, he warned.

Source: (Juche113.7.16.) *English version carried by The Pyongyang Times on July 18

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