Russia condemns US threat of secondary sanctions against Russia-friendly countries

Anatoli Antonov

Anatoli Antonov in EmbUSA Telegram

Russia's ambassador to the United States condemned US threats and pressure in an interview with TASS on August 5.

The US administration has maintained a line to inflict loss and damage to Russia "not merely on the battlefield but in every quarter;" he said, disclosing that the US is purposefully and consciously pressuring and threatening the countries friendly to Russia with secondary sanctions.

Russia does not intend to change its stance on the "security equation" with the US despite Washington's threat to proceed with the deployment of medium-and shorter-range missiles in Germany, he noted.

The tactics of pressure on Russi will yield no results and no negotiations will begin as long as the US’ policy towards Russia remains unchanged, he said.

Source: (Juche113.8.8.) *Koreanistas translation

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