NATO, the world's largest war machine destroying peace and security

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NATO, an aggressive military alliance fabricated by the United States, is still notorious as a confrontation tool and a war machine to this day.

As is well known, NATO was created 75 years ago under the pretext of "defending" the West from the "invasion" of the Soviet Union and has been used as a military tool to realize the United States' hegemonic ambitions.

Since its launch, NATO has engaged in large-scale military operations as many as 20 times.

Although the Cold War ended and NATO's raison d'etre disappeared, NATO continued to target anti-American independent countries with military threats and intimidation and did not hesitate to launch wars of aggression.

NATO's military operations in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria brutally violated the people's right to life and development.

According to some statistics, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives, and tens of millions have been displaced from their homes due to wars initiated and participated in by NATO member countries since 2001.

In terms of its founding process and sinful actions, the aggressive nature of NATO as a war machine subordinate to the realization of the US hegemonic strategy is becoming more evident today.

The current crisis in Ukraine is the result of the US-led NATO continuing to expand its fences to the east and threatening Russia’s security.

The US and NATO have provided their hunting dog with massive funds and weapons, pushing them into an escalation of the war. It is true that the war in Ukraine, which was called a proxy war, has developed into a direct conflict between Russia and the West. This shows who the main culprit is in the current situation.

The Chairman of the NATO Military Committee declared that NATO was prepared for the possibility of a conflict with Russia and would fight with available means. Moreover, retired and active-duty soldiers of NATO member states are involved in organizing and planning the operations of the Ukrainian army as advisers, weapons experts, and mercenaries, and are directly participating in the fighting.

NATO has blatantly expanded the de facto state of war against Russia by providing information that allows Ukraine to attack peaceful Russian residents and civilian infrastructure with weapons supplied by NATO.

A prime example is the Ukrainian missile attack on the Russian city of Sevastopol in June last year. This resulted in more than 150 civilian casualties.

As a result, the standoff between Russia and the US-NATO has deepened. The European continent is now in danger of falling into the catastrophe of nuclear war.

What cannot be overlooked is that this war machine is deepening its military collusion with America's stooges such as Japan, puppet ROK, Australia, etc. NATO is extending its claws of aggression into the Asia-Pacific region.

While in Japan, the NATO Secretary General emphasized that Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific security cannot be separated. The so-called Special Partnership Plan or Special Cooperation Program has been established between NATO, Japan, puppet ROK, Australia, and New Zealand.

At its recent summit, NATO also talked loudly about the “serious security challenges” in the Asia-Pacific region, rationalizing the dangerous military exercises conducted by its member states there.

As NATO member states' war training expanded day by day, in July alone, the armed forces of France, Spain, and Germany crawled into the Asia-Pacific region one after another to conduct military exercises with Japan and created a war atmosphere.

Now, the countries of the Asia-Pacific region are seeing through the "security concerns" that NATO has created and spread, and are strongly demanding that NATO stop disrupting the Asia-Pacific following Europe.

As the facts show, NATO is a concrete tool for war and a means of domination. Its raison d'etre is to realize America's hegemonic ambitions. It is a malignant tumor that dramatically worsens the international security environment and brings about a new Cold War.

Source: (Juche113.7.28.) *Koreanistas translation

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