New types of dresses in DPRK

(1) Fashion in the DPRK
(Photo ArirangMeari)

Clothing institutes and garment manufactories in the DPRK have created new types of dress designs suited to the national characteristics and aesthetic taste of the times and made new clothes to further improve the national costume.

The Clothing Institute under the Light Industrial Institute presented new designs of suits and shirts with cloth of different colors popular among the Korean people from olden times.

(2) Fashion in the DPRK
(Photo ArirangMeari)

The garment manufactories have directed efforts to settling the technical issues arising in applying new dress designs and improving the skill of needle workers.

Meanwhile, they strive to produce more peculiar dresses with various ornaments. Those dresses are winning popularity among the purchasers for their elegant styles.

(KCNA - November 23, 2020)

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