More achievements made in various industrial sectors of DPRK

80-Day Campaign of Loyalty Log Book
"80-Day Campaign of Loyalty Log Book". (CGI Uriminzokkiri)

Officials and workers in various sectors of the national economy, all out in the 80-day campaign, have made a series of achievements in attaining their major goals.

Thermal power plants and hydro-power stations across the country have increased the output of each generator by raising the efficiency of generating equipment and introducing advanced technology.

A brisk mass campaign for increased production is being witnessed in the coal industry.

The goals in production of pig iron, steel and rolled steel have been attained and implementation of the goals in production of iron ore, electrode and others is underway in the metal industry.

Officials and workers of the machine industry have overfulfilled their task of custom-built equipment production set as a goal of the 80-day campaign.

Officials and workers of the forestry stations and prop-making stations under the Ministry of Forestry across the country have overfulfilled their timber production plans every day.

Officials and drivers in the railway transport have registered a series of successes in their work and a campaign for increased production is brisk in the light industry.

(KCNA - November 24, 2020)

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