Invariable international solidarity extended to Palestinians

Dove of Peace

November 29 is the day of global solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The 32nd session of the UN General Assembly in 1977 decided to commemorate November 29 each year as the day of solidarity with the Palestinians on a worldwide scale. Marking the day, a variety of solidarity events are held in support of their just cause in many countries.

Palestine secured the status of an observer state of the UN in November 2012 and hoisted its flag at the UN headquarters in September 2015. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization admitted Palestine as a full member in 2011 and the international criminal police organization approved its entry into it in 2017.

The facts prove that the struggle of the Palestinians to found an independent state has been conducted more briskly and the international support and solidarity to their just cause have increased further.

However, their struggle to win back national independence and sovereignty and the effort of the international community supporting them have encountered grave challenges. The Israeli moves to judaize Palestine are witnessed more frantically as the days go by.

With a wild ambition to permanently occupy the Palestinian territory, Israel is persistently clinging to the moves of building Jewish settlements while making desperate attempts to oppress the Palestinians.

The Israeli authorities have recently approved a plan to newly build thousands of blocks of houses in the Jewish settlements of the West Bank. As to this, the Palestinian presidential office issued a statement to call on the international community to put pressure on Israel, saying that regional stability can never be achieved unless Israel discontinues infringement on the Palestinians.

Israel's moves are a challenge to the international effort for achieving comprehensive peace and stability in the Middle East.

The secretary general of the League of Arab States said that the Arab-Israeli peaceful relationship can be effected only when the Palestinian people win freedom and independence, adding that it is an important goal of the Arab states to put an end to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory.

Cuba also stated that the Palestinians have a legitimate right to found an independent state with East al-Quds as their capital.

Syria clarified its stand not to conclude any peace agreement or treaty with Israel, asserting that negotiations with Israel are no helpful to settling the issues of Arab states.

The Korean people will as ever stand on the side of the Palestinian people and render full support and encouragement to their just cause to found an independent state.

(Pyongyang Times - November 28, 2020)

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is a UN-organized observance. Events are held at the United Nations headquarters in New York, as well as at the United Nations offices at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi. It is generally held on November 29 each year to mark the anniversary of resolution 181 which advocated for the partition of Palestine into two States: one Arab and one Jewish. In 2003, it was observed on December 1.

The annual observance was established in UN General Assembly Resolution 32/40 B of 2 December 1977, to start in 1978. The same resolution proposed the creation of the study The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem.

In Resolution 34/65 D of 12 December 1979, the issue of commemorative postage stamps was requested.

Special commemorative activities are organized by the Division for Palestinian Rights of the United Nations Secretariat, in consultation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

In 2005, the UN event included a map that showed all of Israel replaced by Palestine and was attended by Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other senior UN officials. (Wikipedia)

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