How DPRK handles pandemic and sanctions

By Ri Kang Ho
Rodong Sinmun

It is the intention of the Party to tide over the current trials and difficulties and bring about a new victory through the on-going 80-day forced march.

The present situation urges every unit to make fresh changes and innovations in its work.

The primary issue to be tackled in doing so is to set goals and map out plans on the basis of feasibility and possibility.

Scientific accuracy of the development strategy of every unit hinges on the ability of its officials.

The organic linkage of all processes and detailed plans are important guarantees for successes in the 80-day campaign.

Officials should work hard in readiness and put the whole course of their units' work on a scientific basis.

Only the official, who is strong in the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and prioritizes science and technology, can turn waste into treasure and possibility into reality and bring about great successes in production by tapping all potentialities.

It is necessary to strictly guard against rule-of-thumb, makeshift, short-sighted styles of work in the 80-day campaign.

Only when officials study in depth their jobs and carry them out on the basis of scientific accuracy, it is possible to steadily maintain stable anti-epidemic situation and bring about a series of innovations and progress.

Any official can do so, if he works hard to lay foundations for progress and development by his own efforts, deeply aware of his duty for the Party and the revolution, the country and the people.

(Abridged by KCNA - November 25, 2020)

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