Firm unity both in joy and in sorrow

Rodong Sinmun Calls on Whole Party and All People to Vigorously Advance Sharing Sweets and Bitters

DPRK poster inspiring people to 80-day campaign. (Photo Credit KCNA)

By Rodong Sinmun

Every day and step was truly arduous from the outset of this year as unexpected grave challenges and obstacles cropped up and the world health crisis and the continuous natural disasters created great obstacles ahead of the struggle of our people for achieving a higher goal of development in the face of the moves of the hostile forces to isolate and stifle the DPRK.

Our Party and the people have achieved firmer unity through this year's arduous struggle for overcoming manifold hardships.

The sincerity of the Party for the people and the people's faith and trust in the leader have been fully displayed every day and month of this year, creating a story about the great integral whole of the leader, the Party and the people.

It is a shining fruition of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un's experienced leadership that this year has been glorified as a year of struggle, advance and unity, not the one of disaster and calamity.

Severer trials and hardships may disturb our advance. However, no challenge and obstacle can ever overpower our spiritual strength and the tremendous might of the single-hearted unity that get stronger in the face of ordeals.

All the Party members, working people and service personnel should achieve fresh victories of Juche Korea, firmly united with one idea and will.

We should deeply cherish the philosophy that the day of prosperity will surely come when we follow and trust our Supreme Leader.

We should overcome today's difficult situation by dint of collectivism, the proud national climate created throughout generations.

Let us all the people wage a more intensive struggle, firmly united around the Supreme Leader, to make great achievements of loyalty for the Eighth Congress of the Party.

(Abridged by KCNA - November 28, 2020)

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