Riverside spruced up to the delight of citizens

Pothong River Bank, Pyongyang City
Pothong River Bank

The Pothong River which flows across the capital city of Pyongyang has been spruced up, with the completion of the promenade rebuilding project which kicked off along with the start of the 80-day campaign.

During the reconstruction project, masonry and promenade on the banks of the river which had been crumbled or destroyed by such natural disasters as flood and typhoon have newly been rebuilt and the embankment has been raised 0.5-1 metre higher than before.

“The banks of the Pothong River needed to be raised as it rained unprecedentedly in the city in recent years due to abnormal climatic conditions,” said Jo Chang Ryol, an official of the Pothonggang recreation ground management station.

During the project, a total of 22 000 metres of masonry have been built along the river banks and 52 000 square metres of promenade paved.

Resting sections have been built in 26 places, over 300 garden lamps installed, and turf and trees planted on over 52 000 square metres of green area.

The promenade reconstruction has been carried out on six islets including Taeponghwa and Kumnan.

The Pothong River improvement project, a grand nature-harnessing project which was undertaken for the first time in the country in 1946, was completed in 55 days to create a 10km-long canal and the Pothonggang Pleasure Ground covering an area of over 300 hectares.

The reconstruction project will make a tangible contribution to the people’s cultural and leisure activities, said Kim Hak Chol, a staff member of the Pothong River promenade reconstruction headquarters. “The project was finished in a matter of 20 days thanks to the high enthusiasm of builders.”

(Pyongyang Times - November 27, 2020)

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