Prolific industrial designer of ingenuity

The logo of the Mirim Riding Club shows the flowing mane of a horse and the feeling of its motion done by the single-stroke method of Korean painting in a dynamic way. Its design came first at the national industrial design exhibition held in 2014.

Chon Yong Il, creator at the Korean Industrial Design Studio
Chon Yong Il
Its designer is Chon Yong Il, a creator at the Korean Industrial Design Studio who has worked as industrial designer for over four decades.

Born into a railway designer’s family, Chon was fond of drawing in his childhood.

After graduating from the industrial art faculty of Pyongyang University of Fine Arts in a study-while-you-work system, he started out on his career as a trademark designer, but his early works were a failure.

He drew the lessons that a trademark designer could never be successful without having a correct understanding of the goods and he should be an economist and social psychologist and have an ability to come up with noble ideas and original plans.

He set it as his principle of creation to develop every design in a novel and distinctive way.

Chon cultivated an acute sense of design and considerable ingenuity with great creative zeal and relentless quest, which gave birth to the designs of labels of the well-liked Taedonggang beer and tara vine fruit liquor, logo of the Central Zoo and many other excellent designs.

Logo of Mirim Riding Club
Supreme Leader's pick as number one. (Photo DPRK Today)

"When we were working on the logo of the Central Zoo, many insisted on the portrayal of a tiger in a dignified appearance. But Chon Yong Il thought that as the zoo is a favourite haunt of our people, especially kids, its logo should be done in a cheerful mood. So he depicted a cute smiling cub," said creator Jo Si Gyong.

Chon demonstrated his remarkable expertise also with the ad design for the Pyongyang Taedonggang beer festival held on the banks of the Taedong River in 2017. He portrayed a mugful of bubbling, mouth-watering beer against the background of the blue waves of the Taedong and inscribed the title in unique calligraphy to contribute to adding more to the conspicuousness of the festival.

The veteran industrial designer has created more than 1 000 designs during his career, and he often tells young creators that a good design can be produced when they combine extensive knowledge, innovative thought and rich imagination.

(Pyongyang Tmes - November 26, 2020)

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