Jinhung Pharmacy famous for Koryo medicines

A Koryo Medicines brand 'Jangmyong-2'
"Jangmyong-2" is shown at the front row, right. (Photo KKFonline)

The Jinhung Pharmacy in Central District of Pyongyang produces Koryo medicines with high efficacy.

Such medicines as Asarum Sedative Capsule, "Jangmyong-2" (literally "Long Life-2 -ed) Capsule and Cogon Root Capsule for Kidney have special virtues for treating respiratory system disorders and neurocirculatory asthenia. They are prepared from wild ginger, clove buds and other medicinal herbs abundant in the country.

Son Sun Hui, head of the pharmacy, said: Koryo medicines prepared from medicinal herbs found in our country agree with the constitution of the Koreans. We will make efforts to increase the varieties of efficacious Koryo medicines so as to render services to promoting the health of people.

Laboratory of the Jinhung Pharmacy
Laboratory of the Jinhung Pharmacy (Photo KKFonline)

(KKFonline - November 22, 2020)

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