Drum dance, folk dance of Korean nation

(1) Drum dance, folk dance of Korean nation
(Photo KCNA)

Drum dance is one of the Korean nation's folk dances created in the course of working life.

Drum dance can be divided into various forms according to the size of drum and the way of its usage.

This dance has been developed into the dance work national in form and socialist in content by the Mansudae Art Troupe, National Folk Art Troupe and other art troupes in the DPRK.

Typical of such dance works is "Harvest Festival in Cooperative Field", which reflects the national character and high ideological value and artistry of the dance in harmony with vivid rhythms and various drum-beating techniques.

(2) Drum dance, folk dance of Korean nation
(Photo KCNA)

(KCNA - November 23, 2020)

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